пятница, 22 июля 2016 г.

Week four reflextion.

    There were a lot of interesting articles for reading this week.I agree with all authors that using technology in teaching reading,writing and vocabulary is very important nowadays.It raises students' motivation,gives teachers additional tools for teaching English.
    I explored a variety of websites and found very interesting resourses.I didn't use technology in teaching writing in the past,now thanks to my course colleagues discussion, I will be able to do it.
    I like http://www.magickeys.com/books/ site for teaching reading.It's an amazing and motivating resourse for kids.I also used britishcouncil.org for teaching reading,grammar and vocabulary.
www.starfall.com will be very helpfull for  Young Learners teaching reading.I"ve been using it for 10 years and it really works.
   My class problems report made me puzzled.I never thought about any problems planning my class.I like doing my lesson plan,because it has a clear template.Also I like a section if technology goes wrong what should a teacher do.We should take it into consideration planning our lesson.
   In conclusion I can say that the more I get involved into the course, the more I get a lot of new information and I like it.

воскресенье, 17 июля 2016 г.

Week 3-Reflextion.

this week was very interesting for me.I've known Delicious website,where I can save my faourite bookmarks and share with my colleagues.Readings about teaching aural/orall skills are very usefull and give some advice for teachers.I've eхplored some websites for teaching listening and pronouciation and found them very useful.I've selected a project report and saw how well it was done and how interesting can be using educational blogs in teaching English.

воскресенье, 10 июля 2016 г.

Webskills summer course.Reflection - week two.

this week was very interesting for me.Lots of tasks,thoughts and readings. I like ABC writing objectives article.It's very clear and easy to read.I could write my Project objectives very fast with the help of this article. Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives are very helphul in setting the goals.
    I've added some optional readings to my Webskills summer course page.While learning on the on-line courses I found it easy to make some notes and post some usefull information on the topic on the blogpage.It's easy to get access to the resourses at anytime and refresh your thoughts.Also it's the best way to share my knowlege with my colleagues.
  •     I've learnt a lot about Searching Engines.I could hardly imagine how many of them are existed nowadays.There are lots of them and I still exploring websites.
  •    I like class description activity. It was very interesting to know about my colleagues classess all over the world.We have different conditions,access to technology and Internet but all of us teach English and do our work best.
  •   I would like to thank all my course colleagues for sharing your experience and knowledge on the course.

воскресенье, 3 июля 2016 г.

Webskills summer course .Reflection week one.

My dear colleagues.

     To create a blog is not a new experience for me.But when I started doing it, I was very puzzeled:what to do and how to do. Besides I didn't have enough instructions, how to create a blog. If you look at the early pages,you can see that they were not ideal.I didn't know how to use fonts and shifts,how to insert links to the websites and so on.I hadn't changed my early pages,because they were my first steps in blogging.
    I use my blog for my continuing professional development.I started doing it being on EVO (Electronic village online) course.Later I used it for my Access students communication,but unfortunately I failed,because they didn't want to communicate with me via blog.They used vk.com site and concidered it more interesting for them.Also I use my blog for sharing  my teaching ideas with the teachers all over the world.When I present something on the teachers conferences,I publish my materials on the blog.You can see my previous experience.
   You can ask me ,what am I doing on this course?The answer is-I want to attract my students attention with the help of the blogs and hope this course will help me.
   I have already seen my course colleagues blogs.They are done in a very interesting style.Many of you are great writes and I will definetly learn some new things from you.